Monday, February 28

Home Chef

This blog site is now officially created to serve as our journal in modifying our food choices and rectifying our method of cooking.
All of us in the family are overweight. I had been diagnosed with diabetes, polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, fibrocystic disease and recently I found out, I'm ADD. We are hoping that with this venture we will also lose weight and be healthier than before.
J, my soulmate, together with my sons M and R promised to contribute. Though, am not really hopeful with it, but I will post their comments with regards to the taste and texture of the healthy recipes I will be cooking for them in the coming months and years.
Currently I am 60 lbs overweight ( J wants to keep quiet about it!), my two sons are around 10 lbs above their ideal weight.
With the radical change in our menu we will definitely lose weight in less than a year.

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